Precision Balance Higher Capacity Sale at HMS Enterprises, Chennai & Trichy

HMS Precision Balance Higher Capacity

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HMS precision balance with a higher capacity is a laboratory or industrial weighing instrument that is designed to provide accurate and precise measurements of heavier objects or samples. Unlike standard precision balances, which are typically used for smaller weights, precision balances with higher capacity can handle larger loads while maintaining a high level of accuracy. These balances are commonly used in various industries and laboratory settings where precision and capacity are both critical.

Here are some key features of precision balances with higher capacity:

Weight Capacity: Precision balances with higher capacity have weight capacities that exceed those of standard precision balances. Capacities can range from a few kilograms to several hundred kilograms or more, depending on the specific model.

Precision and Accuracy: These balances are designed to provide precise and accurate measurements, even for larger and heavier samples. The level of precision and accuracy may vary depending on the model and application requirements.

Platform Size: The size of the weighing platform is designed to accommodate larger and heavier objects. The platform's dimensions should be suitable for the size of the samples or objects you need to weigh.

Digital Display: Most precision balances with higher capacity are equipped with digital displays that provide clear and easy-to-read weight readings. Digital displays are typically more accurate and reliable than analog (mechanical) displays.

Units of Measurement: These balances can display weight in various units, including kilograms, grams, pounds, ounces, and more, depending on user preferences and application requirements.

Tare Function: The tare function allows you to place containers or additional items on the balance and zero out their weight, so only the weight of the sample or object being weighed is considered.

Calibration: Regular calibration is essential to maintain accurate measurements. Some precision balances with higher capacity may offer automatic calibration features or require manual calibration.

Data Recording: Many advanced models have data recording and storage capabilities, allowing users to record and analyze weight data for documentation, quality control, and research purposes.

Connectivity: Some precision balances with higher capacity offer connectivity options, such as USB, RS-232, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi, for data transfer and integration with computer systems and laboratory software.

Durability: These balances are typically built to withstand the demands of industrial and laboratory environments. They are constructed with durable materials and are designed to resist wear and tear.

Applications: Precision balances with higher capacity are used in various applications, including manufacturing, quality control, research and development, materials testing, and more.

Legal for Trade: In some industries, precision balances may need to be certified as "legal for trade" to ensure that weight measurements comply with industry regulations and standards.

When selecting a precision balance with higher capacity, consider factors such as weight capacity, precision requirements, platform size, calibration options, and any specific features needed for your application.


► Laboratories

► Industries

► Education

► Jewellery

Technical Features

► Auto Calibration with External Weight

► Easy to read LCD Display with backlight

► Multifunction Weighing Units

► Auto Zero tracking, Low Battery Indicator

► Overload Protection Design

► S.S. Weighing Pan, Level indicator , Adjustable Fit

► Resolution, Quick Weighing, Accurate Result

► RS232C Interface

► In built rechargeable battery for continues use

Technical Details

Model Cap. Acc. Pan (mm) Oper. Temp
HMS-J 2 Kg (0.01 g) 10 mg 180 x 195 10 - 45 degree C
HMS-J 3 Kg (0.01 g) 10 mg 180 x 195 10 - 45 degree C

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